The Mexico City International Airport is the principal connection from the country’s airport network to the rest of the world. In the last six decades, it has been repeatedly expanded, refurbished and re-equipped to accommodate a constantly increasing number of passengers. Due to sustained high passenger growth over the last decades, the existing airport is facing saturation and cannot be expanded because of space limitations.

From 2009 to 2015, the number of passengers to Mexico City’s International Airport has increased by an annual average of 8.0%. In the same period, Mexico’s GDP grew an average of 3.5%. That means that the Mexican aviation industry grows at a much faster pace than the rest of Mexico’s economy.

Airport saturation has its consequences, mainly: the increase in operating costs, the decrease in the quality of services, delays, and possible security breaches. To solve this problem, and to provide a fundamental long-term solution to demand growth, the Federal Government decided that a New Airport would be built at the site of the former Lake of Texcoco.

Mexico City New International Airport is the most important infrastructure project of the last fi]y years. It will be an engine in productivity and economic activity, that will help bring the country to its full potential.


Grupo Aeroportuario de la Ciudad de México (GACM) is responsible for building and operating Mexico City New International Airport.

To satisfy the demand for airport services in the Mexico City area from a comprehensive, responsible and long-term perspective; the technical, aeronautical, hydraulic, environmental, and economic feasibility of several alternatives were analyzed. It was concluded that the former Lake of Texcoco offers the best possibilities for aeronautical development by its dimensions and benefits.
Economic and social development

The construction of a New Airport will increase Mexico City’s connectivity. That means a positive impact on long-term economic growth. The impact zone considers 11 municipalities in the State of Mexico and four of Mexico City’s delegations.

Proximity to the center of demand

It’s located 14 km from Mexico City’s center. This distance is below international standards. This lowers costs and travel times.

Airport congestion

Not reaching maximum capacity for decades.

Long-term solution to demand growth

At maximum capacity, it will be able to handle more than 125 million passengers per year.

First hub in Latin America

It will concentrate all operations in a single airport. That means greater efficiency, greater coverage, and higher frequency of the main international routes.

Global Logistics Plataform

Cargo facilities will be expanded threefold. Due to its proximity to the demand center, freight traffic will increase.

National Productivity Boost

It generates lower transport costs, being at a shorter distance from the demand center. Likewise, the improvement in connectivity will generate a greater investment in infrastructure, which has a multiplier effect on GDP.

MITRE supports the runway configuration as well as the viability of the Mexico City New International Airport.



The New Airport will not only be an emblematic airport, in addition it will:

>     Connect Mexico to the world, fostering economic development.

>     Be the main gateway to the country and a relevant international hub.

>     Be a financially sound airport.

>     Have the capacity to meet expected demand in the following decades.

Characteristics of the current and new Mexico City International Airport

Mexico City International Airport (current)

41.5 million passengers per year.

2 parallel runways with no simultaneous operations.

56 gates.

41 remote gates.

770 has.

Mexico City New International Airport First phase (2020)

70 million passengers per year.

3 parallel runways with simultaneous operations.

96 gates.

68 remote gates.

5,000 has.

The Mexico City New International Airport is the second largest airport under construction worldwide.

>     Boost regional and national development.

>     Balance the Metropolitan Area of the Valley of Mexico, improving the quality of life of its inhabitants.

Mexico City New International Airport Maximum development

125 million passengers per year.

6 parallel runways, with, simultaneous operations.

159 gates.

91 remotes gates.

5,000 has.

ROAD TO 2020

A four-phase program was developed, allowing for parallel progress on multiple fronts. This allows us to achieve our goal.

>     Design and planning

>     Construction and equipment

>     Testing and Commissioning

>     Start of operation



During the first two years, efforts were focused on moving from the design and planning stage to construction. A highly specialized team, with worldwide recognition for its professional quality, was assembled. In addition, the plans, programs and projects that laid the project’s foundations were laid out.


From 2015 to 2016, planning objectives were set and construction began:

>     Development of the Master Plan.

>     Establishing the program schedule.

>     Integration of stakeholder requirements to airport design.

>     Development of architectural design and engineering.

>     Creation of the business plan.

>     Studies that validate the technical feasibility of the New Airport.

Recent work and studies done over the last two decades, determined the technical, financial, social, and environmental feasibility of the project.



Grupo Aeroportuario de la Ciudad de México (GACM), government majority owned enterprise, whose purpose is the construction and operation of the New Airport.

Project Manager

Parsons: 70 years of experience and 450 airports in more than 40 countries. Has worked on airports, such as: Abu Dhabi, Miami, San Francisco, Athens, Incheon, Washington DC, Atlanta.

Master Architect

Foster + Partners: more than 48 years of experience and 620 international awards. Their projects include the airports in: Hong Kong, Beijing, Kuwait, Panamá, Stansted. FR-EE: led by Fernando Romero, with more than 25 years of experience and numerous international awards.

Master Civil Engineer

Netherlands Airport Consulting Company (NACO) has been involved in the construction and engineering of more than 500 airports worldwide.

Master Plan

Landrum and Brown: 70 years experience as a global leader in airports and aviation planning.

Business Plan

Boston Consulting Group: 50 years of global experience as a leader in the development of business plans. They have worked with more than 100 airport projects, 11 of which are among the 30 largest in the world.


Institutions of recognized national and international prestige: MITRE, IATA, OECD, and OACI, among others.


Main studies that validate feasibility of the project

>     Design of the project’s general layout.

>     Routes, traffic and demand of airport services.

>     Air Traffic.

>     Topographical surveys.

>     Service levels.

>     Archaeological prospecting.

>     Hydraulic adjustment.

>     Cost-benefit analysis to meet demand.

>     Geotechnical surveys.

>     Compliance with regulations.

>     Environmental Impact Assessment.

>     Hydraulic simulation of the former Lake of Texcoco.

Endorsed by


In the last quarter of 2015, our focus shifted from design and planning to construction. It began with the execution of the preliminary works which prepared the grounds for the construction of airport infrastructure from 2016 on.

61,000 km of drains for runways 2 and 3, equivalent to going around the Earth one and a half times.


In order to start main construction of airport infrastructure, it was necessary to carry out the following:

I. Preliminary works

Construction of the on-site offices.
250 work places.
7,500 m2.

Temporary drainage.
11.3 km of embankments.
9.3 km of canals.

3 water pumping plants.
33 km of perimeter fence and road.
Perimeter fence and road.

II. Site preparation

Site leveling.
Leveling and clearing of 1,147
to create a uniform work platform.

Debris removal.
Removal of 2.3 millions m3 of debris.

Access roads.
48 km of internal access roads.


Electrical sub-station

18 feeders with 180 MVA and 27 MVAr total capacity.

Runway 2

5 km long by 60 m wide.

Runway 3

5 km long by 60 m wide.

Passenger Terminal, ATCT y GTC

More than 8,000 piles

Construction Manager
Passenger Terminal

Responsible for ensuring the quality of construction.

Passenger Terminal

300,000 m2 concrete and steel slab, 1.5 m thick.

Passenger Terminal

743,000 m2 of construction distributed across 4 levels.

Air Traffic Control Tower

90 m tall, with 4,600 m2 of construction.

Construction Manager

Responsible for ensuring the quality of runway construction.


Concrete and steel slab foundations for the Ground GTC Transportation Center.

To date, 65% of project resources have already been commited.


The New Airport will redefine the way major infrastructure projects are developed in Mexico. It will be a global reference in airport design, construction and sustainable operation, acaining LEED certification while reducing energy consumption and emissions in a cost-effective way.

It will also contribute to improving quality of life of the neighboring population and the environment: preventing floods, creating jobs, and protecting biodiversity.


>     70% reduction in potable water consumption compared to traditional airports.

>     50% energy consumption reduction when compared to the Current Airport.

>     50% of the construction materials will be sourced locally.

>     75% of the waste materials generated during construction will be reused.

>     Efficient use of natural lighting in the Passenger Terminal.


>     The New Airport is being designed to meet LEED Platinum certification standards.

>     The company responsible for LEED commissioning has been hired.


The Hydraulic Master Plan includes:

>     Reservoirs: Expanding and building 9 reservoirs to increase water regulating capacity from 13 Mm3 to 38 Mm3.

>     Riverbed Rehabilitation: Reconfiguring 13 channels to improve runoff.

>     River Clean-up: 150 km of collectors along 9 rivers to redirect runoff.

>     Water Treatment: 22 new water treatment plants and rehabilitating 2.

>     Tubing & Tunnels: Tubing 7.2 km of channels and building 43 km of tunnels.


The New Airport will be a pioneer for social inclusion, becoming a primary source of jobs and economic revenue for neighboring inhabitants.

Given the relevance of the project's social component, a series of initiatives are being pursued with the collaboration of government agencies and companies currently involved with the project.


40,0000     jobs to date.

160,000     jobs during construction.

450,000     jobs once the New Airport is operational.



The New Airport has adopted best practices to become a global reference in the construction of public infrastructure projects, using principles of full transparency, accountability, and access to information.

As part of Mexico’s commitment during the Open Government Partnership Summit, the New Airport pioneered the adoption of the Open Contracting Data Standard.

Contracts are available on this page.

The New Airport is aspiring to become a global reference in macers of integrity and transparency through:





A mixed scheme involving both public and private financing was developed with the purpose of guaranteeing:

>     It remains a government-owned asset.

>     Minimal impact on public finances through the use of excess cashflows from the Current Airport and the New Airport.

>     The Current Airport possesses sufficient funding for the operation and maintenance of its facilities.

The excess cashflows generated by the Current Airport and the New Airport are sufficient to repay the debt as well as the government’s investment.

The New Airport’s financial strategy has been recognized world-wide by the following institutions:

ROAD TO 2020

Even though the GACM was only recently created, it has advanced steadily in developing this airport in coordination with the Secretariat of Communications and Transportation, Project Manager, Master Architect, Master Civil Engineer, as well as with other government agencies and sectors.
Ongoing efforts are focused on launching the New Airport by 2020, and on the development of the following projects:


>     Road Interchanges (3)

>     Ground Transportation Center (GTC)

>     Runway 6 & Taxiways

>     Power Distribution Network

>     Aprons

>     Site-wide U.lity Tunnels & Land-side Roa


>     Visual Aids

>     Fuel Farm & Distribution Network

>     Area Control Center (ACC)

>     Southeast Campus Clearing & Leveling, U.lity Distribution & Roads

>     Central Utility Plants (CUPs) – East & West

>     Airport Utility & Sanitation Network, Hydraulics

>     Master Systems Integrator & General Security System

>     Southeast Campus CUP

>     Midfield Maintenance Facilites

>     Southeast Campus Fuel Farm

>     Elevated Access Road to Terminal, Subway Tunnel & Station

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